A behind the scenes look into a fantastic shoot that I shot for Singapore based clothing label Zilingo capturing stills across six of the most sustainable factories that they work with in India, Bangladesh and Vietnam.
Read MoreTaken at the Ka Htain festival in Hsipaw, Myanmar. The green wings of this young girls costume caught my eye as she was performing the traditional Kinnara & Kinnari bird dance with three other dancers. The Kinnari is depicted as a half-bird, half-woman creature with the head, torso, and arms of a woman and the wings, tail and feet of a swan. Looking for a more interesting angle I circled behind the young girl and then mid dance and for the briefest of moments she leaned back towards me, my instincts kicked in and I framed and focussed and fired one frame before she continued on her way. Canon 5D Mk II, 35mm f1.4L lens, 1/5000 sec at f1.4, ISO 200.
Tales of a Travel Photographer | Chasing the Light Magazine
In early 2017 I was asked to write some words about my career for an online magazine called "Chasing the Light" which is run by renowned travel and landscape photographer David Noton and in this post I share what I wrote. I explain my career up until 2017, how I ended up living and working as a Vietnam based photographer and I discuss many of my favourite images taken over the years in Bangladesh, Syria, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam.
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