The Greatest Generations Foundation | Remembering June 19 | The 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Ap Bac
The Greatest Generations Foundation | Remembering June 19 | The 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Ap Bac
The Greatest Generations Foundation | Remembering June 19 | The 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Ap BacIn June 2017 Tim was commissioned by The Greatest Generations Foundation to shoot, direct and edit a piece revolving around the return to the battlefield for 25 US Vietnam War Veterans on the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Ap Bac in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.  The Greatest Generations Foundation is a US NGO dedicated to honoring the sacrifices of veterans by returning them to their former battlegrounds, cemeteries and memorials to ensure that their legacies are recorded and retold in perpetuity to future generations.Video by Tim Gerard Barker, Hugo Leenhardt and Vinh PhamSound by Do VuEdited by Tim Gerard Barker and Hugo LeenhardtGraded by Tim Gerard Barker
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